One purpose of studying the courts is to understand the
elemental properties of the suits and how they interact with
the four stages on manifestation represented by the ranks
(IOVE). Therefore, on each day of study, lay out all the
courts in four rows of four, from Kings above to Pages below,
with Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles from left to right.
Then, if necessary, review the
introduction to the court cards in Minor
Next, read the
of the chosen card in the Minor Arcana, and memorize the
verses for the court
rank and suit.
Finally, contemplate the image for several minutes (no more
than 20) to increase your nonverbal understanding. When you
are done, reread the discussion. Record any observations,
insights etc. in your tarot journal (described in
You can extend your understanding by reading about the deity
represented by the court in a Greek mythology book; do this
before your contemplation.
On each day of study, lay out all the pips in ten rows of
four, from Aces down to Tens, with Wands, Swords, Cups and
Pentacles from left to right. Then, if necessary, review the
introduction to the pip cards.
Next, read the
in the Minor Arcana of the chosen pip and memorize the
for its number (you already know its suit's verse). Finally,
contemplate the image for a few minutes (at most 20), and
reread the discussion. Record in your tarot journal any
ideas about additional interpretations, relations,
correspondences, or anything else of importance that comes to
On each day lay out the trumps in one of the
cosmic spreads.
Then read the
description, interpretation and
on the chosen trump. As you do so it may be helpful to
rearrange the trumps into different cosmic spreads to display
the relationships discussed in the commentary. With the
enhanced understanding derived from the commentary, go back
and reread the description and interpretation. Memorize the
for the trump. Next, contemplate the image (in its place in
a cosmic spread) for several minutes (at most 20). When you
are done, record in your tarot journal any insights you might
have. Also, over the course of the week, be aware if
contemplation of the trump seems to have colored your
experiences or affected your dreams, and record these
observations too.
For a deeper appreciation of the meaning of a trump, read the
associated myths mentioned in the commentary and listed in
Guide for Reading Myths;
then reread the commentary, description and interpretation.
Eventually you may find it valuable to express your
understanding by drawing and coloring your own versions of
the trumps (a traditional exercise in the original Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn).
The best-known cosmic spread is the Tree of Life, in which
the Major Arcana are placed on the 22 paths of the Qabalistic
Tree of Life. Unfortunately, there is no agreement on the
correspondence between the trumps and the paths. The Golden
Dawn system is quite popular, but it is uses the modern Waite
sequence of trumps, so it is not very compatible with the
Pythagorean Tarot, which uses the older Ferrara order. Of
course, the Pythagorean Tarot can be used with the Tree of
Life, if you prefer to work with it, by placing the trumps in
the Golden Dawn sequence. However, the structure of the
Pythagorean Tarot will be more apparent when arranged in
Pythagorean patterns. These have been presented in the
Introduction to the Major Arcana:
the Fire Hexactys,
the Water Hexactys,
the Double Hendecad (Double Keraunos)
the Heptagram of the Major Arcana
(the latter being most analogous to the Tree of Life). Each
of these displays a different set of relationships among the
trumps (as explained in the
Introduction to the Major Arcana).
When you have become familiar with the cards of the
Pythagorean Tarot separately, it is worthwhile to represent
them in relation. Lay them out in one of the cosmic spreads
and explore the connections that are revealed (more than can
be described in the commentaries). You may also want to
investigate new cosmic spreads of your own design.
If you have not previously developed your powers of
visualization, then it will be best to start with the simpler
images of the Minor Arcana before tackling the complexities
of the Majors. By starting with the pip cards you will be
starting with the simplest images; indeed, the pips are not
much more complicated than the Tattwas, which are used for
visualization training in the Golden Dawn and related
traditions. Work through all the pips in rank order: all
the Aces, then all the Twos, etc. Then you can move on to
the courts and finally to the trumps. Disciplined practice
is required to build up the necessary skills.
If you already have good visualization skills, you can work
on the cards in any order you choose, although it is
generally desirable to do it in some systematic way. If you
have trouble visualizing a complex image, then drop back to
practicing on simpler ones to strengthen your powers.
The general procedure for visualization practice is as
follows. Set up the card near a plain white surface. Study
the card carefully, recalling the symbology, which you have
studied, and the appropriate verses, which you have
memorized. Then shift your focus to take in the whole card
and observe it for about twenty seconds. Quickly divert your
gaze to the white surface and you will see an inverted
after-image. After a moment, close your eyes and try to see
the image (reconstructing it, if necessary) in your mind's
eye. When you have done as well as you can, open your eyes
and you will probably discover that you have some things
wrong. You can repeat the exercise a couple more times, but
don't overdo it, because it is fatiguing and visualization
ability grows gradually.
Although you may project into any Arcanum for a particular
purpose, eventually you will want to work through them all in
a systematic way (as described above under
When you work through the Major Arcana in order, you should
begin with 1.Magician, since Hermes is a natural guide into
and out of the nether regions; save 0.Fool for last. Other
trumps may be natural guides for you, if they represent one
of your patron deities or seem to invite you into their
realm. You can also do a one-card divination (shuffle and
cut) to let the trumps select a guide for you.
The procedure for projection is as follows. Lay out all the
card of the same kind (trumps, courts, pips) as your selected
card. For the trumps, use one of the
cosmic spreads;
for the courts, four rows of four; for the pips, ten rows of
(see Contemplation
for spreads). Set up the selected card and contemplate it as
a whole; don't try to analyze its symbols. (With sufficient
practice in contemplation and visualization you will not need
the physical card, but will be able to construct it from
memory in your mind's eye. However, it never hurts to use
the physical card.)
After a few minutes close your eyes and construct the Arcanum
in your mind's eye, as you have done in the
visualization practice.
When the image is complete and stable, allow it to grow in
size and to become a doorway through which you can step.
Mentally ask permission, and if the way does not seem to be
barred, step into the card. Say something definite like "I
enter" (Lat. ineo, pronounced IN-eh-oh; Grk.
eiseimi, pron. ACE-ay-mih) quietly or in your mind.
(Always use the same formula, so that its purpose will become
Experience the Arcanum: don't just see the sights, but also
hear the sounds and feel the environment. You may discover
new things (figures or objects) within the Arcanum that are
not pictured on the physical card; do not banish them, but
take special note of them. (This is more likely with the
pips, since they are more abstract in design.) You may
approach and address any figure in the Arcanum, not just the
deities, but also the animals, plants, rocks, streams, etc.;
everything is alive with a spirit. You may ask them
questions or engage in a dialog; the topic may be a specific
matter of concern or general information, such as "What do I
need to learn about this Arcanum?" These figures may
challenge or test you, either to see if you are ready for
what they have to reveal, or to guide your own inquiry.
When you are done or the figures seem to have withdrawn, give
thanks and exit the Arcanum by the same way you entered,
backing out through the doorway. Firmly say something
definite like "I exit" (Lat. exeo, pr. EX-eh-oh;
Grk. exeimi, pr. EX-ay-mih) to ensure that you have
fully returned to the mundane world. Open your eyes wide,
clap your hands, stamp your feet, stretch or yawn, to fully
ground yourself in physical reality; if necessary, eat
Record in your journal everything you learned in your visit
and all your impressions. Also notice over the following
days if the Arcanum seems to be affecting your life and
record this in your journal. You should subject your
experience to both conscious analysis and intuition in order
to understand your visions with some clarity. This
understanding may not come at first; additional insights may
come after days, weeks or months.
Does projection reveal the secrets of the cosmos? Or only
the suppressed contents of your mind? The question is a
false dichotomy stemming from a dualistic world-view.
Projection allows you to journey simultaneously inward to the
psychic order and outward to the cosmic order, for they are
two sides of the same order. The two meet (like the body of
the Pythagorean Y) in the collective unconscious, which is
simultaneously subjective and objective.
Projection can also be used during divination to get
additional insight on a card that has appeared in a spread:
enter the card and ask what it means in that reading.
(Projection should not be used out of laziness, however; the
gods favor those who use their own brains!)
First lay out the court cards in a four by four spread to
review their relationships. Then remove all but the court
with which you will identify. Next visualize the selected
court card as in the projection exercise and let it become a
door. In this case, however, you are inviting the courtier
into your world rather than entering into his or hers. Say
or think a definite formula of invocation, such as "Come!"
(age, pron. AH-geh, in ancient Greek or Latin).
Allow the deity to enter and infuse you with his or her
spirit. When you feel the change take place, begin to
experience the world through the courtier's eyes. If this
courtier represents a personality aspect that you would like
for yourself, either temporarily or permanently, then ask
that some of his or her qualities be left in you.
When you have experienced as much of this energy as you want,
be sure to give thanks and ask the courtier to leave. Firmly
say or think a banishing formula such as "Begone!"
(apage, pron. AHP-ah-geh, in anc. Greek or Latin).
Feel the courtier return through the door into the Arcanum
and consciously let the image dissolve in your mind. Ground
afterwards (e.g., by clapping, stamping, eating), which is
especially important in this exercise. As always, record
your experiences in your journal and analyze their meaning
for you.
First lay out the courtiers in the four by four spread;
contemplate their relations and then remove all but the two
of interest. Next identify yourself with the chosen courtier
by the procedure already described. Then, while you are
identified with the deity, use the projection procedure to
enter the Arcanum of the other courtier. Try to experience
and understand how the two courtiers relate; have a
discussion. Remember that if the situation becomes too
intense or uncomfortable, you can always get out by throwing
the "banishing switch" (e.g. "Begone!").
When you are done, reverse the projection by leaving the
other courtier's Arcanum and reverse the identification by
sending "your" courtier back into his or her Arcanum. Ground
yourself thoroughly and explore your experiences in your
First, lay the courtiers in a four by four spread; also lay
out in a vertical column beside the courtiers all the pips of
the suit of the chosen pip (i.e. if you selected Three of
Cups, lay down the Ace through Ten of Cups). Take a few
moments to contemplate the relations among the courts and
among the pips, and then remove all but the chosen three.
Place your courtier to the left, the other to the right and
the pip in the middle.
Identify with the first courtier as before, and open the door
of the second as in projection. Then project yourself and
the other courtier into the situation represented by the pip
card. Experience the situation as it manifests between these
two courtiers (and don't forget your "banishing switch"!).
After you are done exploring how these personalities interact
in the situation, back out by reversing all of the above. Do
your journal work.
These are the primary identification exercises with the Minor
Arcana. I do not think it is advisable to practice
identification with the Major Arcana. They represent
archetypal forces that are "too big" for mortals. At very
least it may lead to psychological inflation (see 0.Fool).
However, for this procedure to work, it's necessary that the
divination be genuinely synchronistic
(see Divination
for advice on how this can be brought about). Also, the
magic is most likely to be successful if you have a deep
understanding and identification of the Arcana because they
are the "ingredients" of your spell. Therefore, practice
with the meditation exercises is an important prerequisite to
tarot magic.
There are two general approaches to tarot magic, which may be
called reconstruction and construction.
Since reconstruction is simpler and safer, I will discuss it
[This is a brief introduction to tarot magic. Janina Renee's
Tarot Spells (Llewellyn 1990) has a good general
discussion and many useful spells.]
A general procedure for reconstructive tarot
magic is as follows. Do a preliminary reading on
the situation of concern. Analyze it carefully, using your
reason and intuition, and try to determine the minimum
changes to the spread that would improve the situation.
Small, precisely targeted modifications are generally more
effective than sweeping changes. Ask yourself, "Which one
card is most important to change?" This is the planning
stage; take your time with it; it's important. It might be
necessary to do additional readings to get more information
or inquire about potential changes. (Don't delay too long,
however; the universe is in flux!)
When you are prepared for the magical operation, take the
cards from the original spread and any additional cards that
you need for the changes; place them on your altar. Be sure
you have enough room on or near your altar for your spread.
First, prepare for the magical operation in your usual way
(e.g. lustral bath, circle casting) and ask for divine
assistance in the working. Then say something like "This is
the situation as I understand it," and lay out the cards in
the spread that resulted from your preliminary reading. It's
worthwhile to verbalize your understanding of the reading as
you lay the cards. Contemplate the spread again to make sure
you comprehend it or to get additional insights. Then ask
the gods for guidance and say something like, "If it be best
for all that is, may this condition change like this." Next,
with will and concentration make each change in the spread,
as you have previously determined them. If at some point it
seems that a change is not right, you have two choices: (1)
terminate the operation until you can do further analysis, or
(2) make a change, different from that which you planned,
guided by your understanding and the gods. In the latter
case you may need the remainder of the tarot pack. It is
also the more risky choice, but potentially more effective,
since you may be in the cusp of a synchronistic event.
When you have reconstructed the spread, contemplate it and
internalize it in your mind. Then direct it outward into the
world with will and intent. You may state firmly something
like, "If this be best, so may it be!" Complete the magical
operation in your usual way. It is worthwhile to keep the
altered spread where you can see it, and to regularly send
additional energy into its manifestation. You can burn
candles or incense with it too. You may even make a small
drawing of the spread to keep with you as a talisman. Record
in your journal the operation as well as your evaluation of
its effects as they occur.
The general procedure for constructive tarot
magic is quite similar and can be explained briefly.
In this case we design from scratch a layout reflecting the
desired outcome. Pick an appropriate spread; simpler ones
are usually better, since they are more comprehensible and
easier to visualize. Next, spread out the tarot deck face up
and let your intuition and understanding guide your choice of
the cards to fill in the spread. Now look again at the
spread but without preconceived ideas, as though it were the
result of a reading. Make sure it says what you want it to
say. When you are satisfied, begin the magical operation as
described for the reconstructive procedure.
It is probably unnecessary to say that these operations
should not be undertaken thoughtlessly or frivolously. To
try to engineer the "perfect life" can turn out like Midas'
Touch! The gods have many lessons to teach us, and there may
be great potential for growth in a situation that looks
undesirable. By changing it for the better in the short
term, you may miss an important long-term opportunity. Thus
it is often better to use the tarot to learn how to "go with
the flow," or to divert it in small ways, rather than to try
to change the course of the river. Caveat magus!
The main ideas to get from the study of the pip cards are the
Pythagorean meanings of the numbers one to ten as they
manifest in the four suits. Therefore, in first working
through the pip cards, study them in numerical order, as they
are described in the Minor Arcana, that is, first the Aces,
then the Twos, etc. For additional insight, go through the
pips again, but grouped by suit, that is, the Ace through the
Ten of Wands, then the Ace through the Ten of Swords, etc.
This will help you to understand the progression of the decad
in each of the four realms represented by the suits. You can
study one pip per day for forty days, or do four per week for
ten weeks.
The purpose of studying the trumps is to deepen your
understanding of the imagery and of the mythological and
esoteric background for each trump. Work through them
sequentially (trumps 0 to 21 and back to 0) and spend several
days, spread over a week, on each.
Cosmic Spreads
In a cosmic (or universal) spread, all the
cards (or the Majors or Minors separately) are laid out in a
pattern that displays significant relationships among the
After you are well familiar with the Pythagorean Tarot, with
each card and its relation to others of the same kind (trump,
court, pip), you can proceed to exercises in visualization,
which are a necessary skill for the process of active
Once you are thoroughly familiar with the symbology of the
Pythagorean Tarot and have good visualization skills, you are
prepared for the more active use of the images known as
pathworking and
identification. Practice of these
exercises will result eventually in what is called
traditionally "imprinting the Tarot on the aura."
In projection exercises you imaginatively enter a
tarot card so that you can experience and interact with its
energies directly. In this way you acquire a deeper,
experiential understanding of the Arcanum.
Traditional pathworking depends on a correspondence
between the trumps and the paths between the Sefirot
on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. However, as mentioned above
(Cosmic Spreads),
these correspondences have been made in different ways.
Further, the Pythagorean Tarot is not especially suited to
the Tree of Life because it uses the older Ferrara sequence,
and so one must decide whether to assign the trumps in this
order or in one of the conventional orders (Lévi's,
Waite's or another). For this and other reasons the
Sefirot do not play a major role in the Pythagorean
Tarot. However, none of this should discourage you from
experimenting with the Pythagorean Tarot on the Tree of Life,
if you are motivated to do so. For discussions of
traditional pathworking see, for example, Gray (Mag.
Rit. Meth., pp. 122-4), Knight (Tarot &
Mag., ch. 6) and Richardson (Mag.
Gateways, ch. 7).
In the identification exercises one enters into a Minor
Arcanum even more intimately than by projection. (These
practices are based on Gray, Mag. Rit. Meth.,
pp. 124-8.) Once again, one may work through the cards
systematically or select them in some other way.
Exercise 1.
In the first identification exercise, you identify with one
of the "courtiers" (deities depicted on a court card). In
this way you can temporarily take on some of the personality
characteristics of that courtier.
Exercise 2.
In the second exercise one investigates (first hand!) the
relations between courtiers. Select two courtiers, either
randomly, or to represent a relation of interest, or by
working systematically through all pairs. You will identify
with one of the courtiers and explore your relation to the
Exercise 3.
The third exercise involves two court cards and a pip card,
which represents the situation in which the courtiers find
themselves. This may be an actual situation in which you
find yourself or a hypothetical one that you want to explore.
Or it may be selected randomly, in which case you are letting
the cards tell you what you need to learn about.
Exercise 4.
A fourth exercise, suggested by Gray (pp. 130-1), could be
called "the Four P's." This is because the trumps represent
22 Principles, the courts represent 16 People, the aces
represent four Powers (the Elements), and the remaining pips
represent 36 Practices. By selecting one card from each of
these four groups you can explore (by identification and
projection) an archetypal relationship. This exercise can be
used with the Pythagorean Tarot, in which, however, the aces
are more of a kind with the other pips.
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Thu Jul 1 17:50:28 EDT 1999