Frequently Asked Questions
On Hellenic Neopaganism
(Graeco-Roman Neopaganism)
edition of
Tue Nov 28 17:49:06 EST 2000
by Apollonius Sophistes
What is Neopaganism?
Why Hellenic Neopaganism?
What Gods Do You Worship?
Isn't Graeco-Roman Mythology One of the Causes of the Patriarchy?
Are You Witches? Gnostics? Satanists?
Do You Have Sacred Texts?
What is the Basis of Your Religious Practice?
How Old is Hellenic Neopaganism?
Do You Have an Ordained Priesthood?
What Organizations Are There?
What is The Omphalos?
Where Can I Find More Information?
What is Neopaganism?
Neopagan religions are modern forms of ancient Pagan religions,
which may have been evolving since ancient times, or may have been
recreated in modern times. Neopagan religions are usually
polytheistic, nature-oriented, non dogmatic, and oriented toward
personal growth through direct interaction with the Gods and
Why Hellenic Neopaganism?
Hellenic Neopagans worship the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Greece
and Rome. Although some of us are Greek or of Greek descent, many
of us come from other ethnic backgrounds, yet we consider ourselves
Hellenic (or Graeco-Roman) Neopagans. The first reason is that
Graeco-Roman culture is one of the foundations of Western culture
and even of modern world culture; therefore from a cultural
standpoint, as Shelley said, "We are all Greeks."
The second reason is that in the
early years of the Christian era, the term "Hellene" was used to
refer to any Pagan, regardless of their ethnic background, so in
this FAQ I will use "Hellenic Neopagan" to refer to a modern
follower of any of the Greek or Roman traditions. (Some us refer to
our religion by names such as Olympianism, Classical Neopaganism,
What Gods Do You Worship?
Most of us worship at least the Twelve Olympians, in either Their
Greek or Roman forms, as well as other divinities (e.g. Gaia,
Persephone, Pan, the Nymphs). Some of us emphasize certain
individual Deities over others, or the Goddesses over the Gods, etc.
Some of us prefer to approach the Deities in Their Etruscan forms,
or through the Minoan or other pre-Hellenic religions of the
Mediterranean. Further, in the eclectic spirit of ancient Paganism,
some of us include in our worship the Deities of other pantheons
(Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Celtic, etc.).
Isn't Graeco-Roman Mythology One of the Causes of the Patriarchy?
Graeco-Roman mythology is remarkably gender balanced, although
superficial interpretations might lead one to think otherwise. For
an insightful analysis of gender issues in Greek mythology, I
recommend Ginette Paris' books Pagan Grace and Pagan Meditations
(Spring Publications). Certainly Greek society and, to a lesser
extent, Roman society were very patriarchal, but the mythology and
the religion seems to embody a more balanced understanding of
gender. In general, Graeco-Roman Paganism honored the Goddesses at
least as much as the Gods, and we Neopagans continue that tradition.
Are You Witches? Gnostics? Satanists?
Some of us are Witches, and some of us are initiated into one or
more Witchcraft traditions (Gardnerian, Dianic, etc.), since the
worship of the Graeco-Roman Gods is not incompatible with the
practice of the Craft. Also, some of us practice religions derived
from the ancient Orphic, Gnostic or Hermetic Traditions. Like the
ancient Graeco-Roman Pagans, many of us are eclectic in our worship:
we realize the Gods can appear in many forms and are given many
names, so we are tolerant of others' beliefs and practices, and are
willing to adopt them when they seem right for us. Thus some of us
include in our worship Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Celtic and other
deities, as well as rituals from many religious traditions.
However, although there is an exception to every rule in
Neopaganism, I think it is safe to say that none of us are
Satanists, since Satan is a figure from Judeo-Christian, not Graeco-Roman
mythology, and there is no wholly-evil God or Spirit
comparable to him in our pantheon. Such a figure does not fit into
the world view of most of the Neopagans that I know.
Do You Have Sacred Texts?
Hellenism is not a "religion of the book"; it does not have a sacred
text, comparable to the Torah, Bible or Koran, purporting to reveal
theological truths. We do have texts that we hold in very high
regard, such as the works of Homer, Hesiod, Virgil and Ovid, the
Greek plays and the Homeric Hymns. But although we believe these
may have been inspired by the Muses, we recall that Hesiod told us
that the Muses do not always tell the truth; They may exercise
poetic license! So we try not to be dogmatic about what these texts
say, venerable though they be. How then do we find out about the Gods,
if we don't have a book to tell us what to believe about Them? By
studying the opinions of ancient Pagans, and evaluating them through
our personal experience of the Gods, through meditation, divination,
rituals, visions and mystical experiences.
What is the Basis of Your Religious Practice?
To the extent practical, we follow the ancient religious practices
of Greece and Rome, updated appropriately for the modern world and
supplemented by practices from other Neopagan traditions. That is,
while we respect and honor ancient practice, we are not bound by it.
(In ancient times, also, practices evolved with the times.)
Fortunately, there is a vast amount of historical information about
the Graeco-Roman religions, so the historical basis for our practice
is less conjectural than that of many Neopagan religions.
How Old is Hellenic Neopaganism?
Although there is considerable evidence that many Graeco-Roman
religious practices continued into modern times under a thin veneer
of Christianity, most of us do not claim to be following a
continuous tradition dating back to ancient Paganism. Although we
can point to a number of Hellenic Neopagans
(e.g. Julian the emperor;
Plethon [George Gemistos], who inaugurated the Renaissance by his
embassy to Cosimo de' Medici;
Richard Payne Knight;
Thomas Taylor "the English Pagan";
Walter F. Otto the classicist;
Robert Graves)
and sympathizers
(e.g. Ficino, Swinburne, Wordsworth, Isadora Duncan)
throughout history, our tradition has been dormant for
something over a thousand years. For most of us this is a
reconstructed and recreated religion, which means that we have
consciously combined our understanding of ancient practice with more
recent insights to create a religion for the 21st century and
Do You Have an Ordained Priesthood?
In ancient Graeco-Roman Paganism, Priests and Priestesses generally
had the responsibility for worship at a particular temple or shrine;
in many cases these were civil offices or hereditary positions. On
the other hand, ancient Pagans never felt the necessity of clergy
interceding with the Gods on their behalf. Anyone who knew the
proper rites could lead a sacrifice and prayer to the Gods, and the
Gods often appeared to mortals and intervened in their lives.
Nowadays many Neopagans take a similar view, and we work to come
into direct communion with the Gods, without the need for clergy.
Nevertheless, we value the skills and experience that comes from
training for the clergy, and some of us are ordained in one or more
Neopagan traditions. Further in the spirit of eclecticism, we often
welcome the Priests and Priestesses of other Neopagan traditions to
officiate at our ceremonies.
What Organizations Are There?
New groups are forming all the time.
Those interested in Hellenic "reconstructionist" Paganism should contact
which has been recently (2001) incorporated and is now accepting
membership applications.
Those more interested in Roman Paganism might contact
Nova Roma.
Others are
The Julian Society
There are also several small
organizations with members scattered around the world, and several
active local groups. One purpose of this list and of the Omphalos
(see below) is to help us get together to organize larger groups.
In the meantime many of us express our spirituality in the context
of established (but non-Hellenic) Neopagan organizations, such as
the Church of All Worlds.
What is The Omphalos?
The Omphalos is a networking service intended to foster the
development of Hellenic Neopaganism by providing a central contact
point for Neopagans interested in the Greek and Roman traditions.
It provides a way for Hellenic Neopagans to contact others in the
same geographical area or with common interests, and it provides a
central location for the collection and dissemination of information
of interest to Hellenic Neopagans, including festivals (e.g.
the Nashville Panathenaia), organizations, publications, goods,
services, rituals, and reference material. For information on this
free service, send email to:
See also a
more detailed description of the goals of The Omphalos.
The Omphalos runs The Stele, a World Wide Web page with information
of interest to Hellenic Neopagans (see below).
Where Can I Find More Information?
The URL for The Stele, the homepage of the Omphalos Hellenic
Neopagan Network, which contains considerable additional
information, is:
See also
Apollonius' essay on Hellenic Neopaganism
from Green Egg.
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Last updated:
Fri Jul 6 11:22:15 EDT 2001