

"Hellenion is an online Hellenic polytheist organization started with the intent of drawing together the classical Pagan community in the hopes of promoting fellowship, free exchange of ideas, scholarship, and spirituality with the eventual intent of having offline rituals and gatherings." (from the
Hellenion website)

Hellenion has been recently (2001) incorporated and is now accepting membership applications.

The Classical Religion Society

Founded by Omphalos member Bruce Nelson, The Classical Religion Society is a non-profit educational association created to support the revival of classical Greek and Roman religious traditions. The Classical Religion Society offers workshops and classes on classical religion in the Kansas City area, and in concert with Eleusis Publications prepares books and journals on classical themes. Contact us at 17304 Morning Deer Road, Linwood, Kansas 66052 or on the Net at

Thiasos Olympikos

"Thiasos Olympikos is a Hellenic group, which provides regular festivals and ceremonies in celebration and honoring traditional Greek cycles, seasons, and the Gods. Among their celebrations are the Pyanepsia and Rustic Dionysia, the Lenaia Festival (theatrical brilliance inspired by the Season of Dionysos), Men's and Women's mysteries, etc. Contact them at Thiasos Olympikos, c/o Rhinoceros Lodge, Post Office Box 1140, Cobb, California, 95426-1140. More information can be found on the
Rhinoceros Lodge web page. They publish a newsletter The Serpentine Leopard.

The Church of All Worlds (CAW)

CAW is not specifically Graeco-Roman in orientation, but its ecumenical brand of Neopaganism makes it very friendly to both of these traditions. CAW is a sponsor of
the Panathenaia, the Eleusinian Mysteries, and a number of other festivals. More information can be found by visiting CAWeb, the CAW homepage.

Nova Roma

NOVA ROMA is an organization dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture. The centerpiece of the activities of NOVA ROMA is the Religio Romana; the ancient faith of the people of Rome. More information can be found by visiting
the Nova Roma web site.

The Julian Society

"The Julian Society is a non-denominational religious order dedicated to the advancement of Pagan religion. Our membership shares many different traditions of Pagan worship while remaining united through the common bond of the ideals the Emperor Julian championed. We continue to carry on the work which Julian began centuries ago; restoring Pagan religion so that it may again take it's rightful place as a major world religious system." (from their
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Last updated: Mon Dec 29, 2008