Use Betacode for Greek alphabet: ABGDEZHQIKLMNCOPRSTUFXYW (upper or lower case). Blanks and punctuation are ignored.
Click outside Greek field to calculate value.
Thesis = The Greek System is based on the 24 letters of the Classical Greek alphabet.
Use upper or lower case. Blanks and punctuation are ignored.
Click outside Roman field to calculate value.
Bede Venerabilis System = Bede's System is based on the ancient Roman alphabet (3rd cent. BCE).
Modern System = The Modern System is based on the 26 letters of the contemporary Roman alphabet.
Type the following for the Hebrew alphabet: ABGDHVZXJIKLMNCOPFQRST (upper or lower case). W may be used for V (vau), and Y may be used for I (iod). Blanks and punctuation are ignored.
Click outside Hebrew field to calculate value.
Thesis =