Generalized Isopsephia Calculator |
Isopsephia is the ancient Greek system of gematria based on the numerical values of the Greek letters. For example, ZEUS = 612 since Z=7, E=5, U=400, S=200. This calculator allows experimentation with non-traditional systems of isopsephia for the Greek and Roman alphabets. First fill in desired numerical values for the Greek or Roman letters. Then you can calculate the numerical values of Greek or Roman texts.
There is currently a minor bug in this calculator. If you find that it does not seem to respond to the "Calculate" button, try the following: Move off of this page (e.g. with your browser's Back button), then move back onto it (e.g. with the Forward button), and it should function properly. (If anyone can suggest why this might be happening, please send me mail, and I will be eternally grateful!)
For an explanation of the traditional numerical values of the letters, see the Alphabet Charts; see also the Isopsephia Calculator and Thesis Calculator for the traditional systems.
Use Betacode for Greek alphabet:
Blanks and punctuation are ignored.
Numerical value =
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Letters without a numerical value will be ignored
Use upper or lower case. Blanks and punctuation are ignored.
Numerical value =
Thanks to Frater Adsum Iterum for suggesting the idea of a generalized Isopsephia calculator.