Sources for
Images of the Goddesses and Gods
The following companies sell images, classical and contemporary, of the
Goddesses and Gods of the Greek and Roman Pantheons that are suitable
for devotional use and altar pieces.
(Note: I have not included vendors of jewelry or other sacred art,
unless they sell statues.)
If you know of other sacred images,
please send me mail.
Mythic Images
Mythic Images sells both traditional and contemporary images of the Goddesses and Gods,
Aphrodite, Artemis, Persephone, Pan.
Also images from other traditions.
Mythic Images
POB 982
Ukiah, CA 95482
Sacred Source (JBL Devotional Statues)
Sacred Source (JBL Devotional Statues).
Inexpensive statues and jewelry ($9 and up), including
Hestia, Medusa, Pan, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Ariadne,
Hermes, Hecate, Demeter, Persephone, Dionysos, Baubo, Isis,
Venus, Cybele, Attis, Diana, Bachus, Neptune, Mithras;
also, Minoan Goddesses, Sumerian deities,
Babylonian deities, Celtic deities, Egyptian deities,
Norse deities, Hindu deities, Mesoamerican deities,
Orishas, Buddhist images, etc.
Also, books, boxes, notecards, bookmarks, etc.
Sacred Source
P.O. Box 163WW
Crozet, VA 22932
1-434-823-1515 (9-5 EST, Mon-Fri)
Fax: 1-434-823-7665
Goddess Gallery Online
The Goddess Gallery Online
carries many statues of
Greek Gods and Goddesses,
including Apollo, Artemis/Diana, Athena, Dionysos, Hades & Kore,
Hecate Triformis, Hermes & Dionysos, Medusa,
Nike and Pan.
There is a separate collection containing
Aphrodite/Venus, the Graces, Eros and Hebe.
Prices range from about $7 to $170.
They also carry Egyptian, Chinese and Buddhist statues.
The Goddess Gallery
3288 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
Portland OR 972141-888-MYTHICL (698-4425)
FAX: 503-233-6469
Orlandi Statuary
Orlandi Statuary
carries moderately expensive images of several Gods and Goddesses in a
variety of sizes and finishes.
1801 North Central Park Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: 773-489-0303 (M-F 8:30-4:30)
Fax: 773-489-2159 has a wide selection of classical statues for home and garden, including many reproductions of museum works., Inc.
100 N. Main St.
Edwardsville, IL 62025
Design Toscano
Design Toscano
carries moderately expensive images of several Gods and Goddesses in a
variety of sizez and finishes.
Currently available are
Venus, Themis, Ariadne, Psyche, Flora, Mercury, Nike, Heracles,
Diana, the Graces, Apollo & the Muses.
On a lighter side, they have images of such new divinities as
Caffeina, Faxus, Hernia and Stressus,
and an expensive ($248) chess set based on the Greek pantheon.
They also carry a wide selection of gargoyles as well as other images
from the European tradition.
Design Toscano
1400 Morse Avenue
Elk Grove, IL 600071-800-525-5141 (orders, 7 AM - Midnight CST, Mon-Fri; 8 AM - 6 PM CST, Sat-Sun)
1-800-525-5141 (customer service, 8 AM - 6 PM CST, Mon-Fri)
Fax: 1-847-952-0305
Seven Wonders
Seven Wonders sells moderately-priced to expensive statues, vases and
Statues start at about $80, vases at about $50, frescoes at about $40.
Among the Gods represented are Aphrodite/Venus, Hebe, Psyche, the Graces,
Apollo, Diana, Nike, Zeus, Pluto & Persephone.
Images, from classical to modern, are based on museum collections.
Seven Wonders
719 Gabardine Avenue
Portage, MI 49002
Phone: 1-800-569-6633 (24 hrs., 7 days/wk.)
Fax: 1-616-327-4024
Great Goddess Collection
Nancy writes,
My company Star River Productions, The Great Goddess Collection is no
longer in business. However, I do have 690 pieces of jewelry left in my
inventory. If anyone is interested or if I can post this info, let me
know. I've decided to focus on teaching, writing and gardening. I was
interested in selling my company so that's also an option. I do miss my
wonderful and loyal customers but running a business, writing and
teaching were way too much. The wise Goddess within said, Whoa. If
anyone wants to contact me I can be reached on email at
Many Goddess Blessings To You All,
Nancy Blair
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Last updated: 2004-07-21.