for Omphalos Members

Note: Membership in the Omphalos is Now Closed.

Welcome to the Omphalos! This document provides basic orientation information for new members.

The Stele

The Stele is the World Wide Web page for the Omphalos. It can be accessed through the URL:
It currently has some information about publications, organizations and festivals, as well as links to some relevant files and to a number of relevant Web sites. The files include rituals, hymns and other texts useful to Hellenic Neopagans. The Stele will continue to evolve as more information becomes available.

Submitting Information

Omphalos is just a clearinghouse, so its depends on you, the members, getting information to me. So please forward to me any information you think would be of interest to Neopagans following a Greek or Roman tradition: festivals and other announcements, information about magazines and books, rituals, interesting Web sites, suppliers of statues and other ritual equipment, etc. Small files can be sent to me as email ( For publicly available large files, send me the URL or ftp instructions, and I will make a link to it or ftp a copy. If the file is not publicly available, let me know and we'll arrange a way to ftp it.

Retrieving Information

Currently, the best way to access Omphalos information is through The Stele, its World Wide Web page. If you do not have Web access, I will send you an index of what's available, from which you can request files.

You can also get the contents of a WWW page by sending email to  - Working on it! The body of your message should be "send URL" where URL is the URL of the page you want to view. You will receive the file, with references to the URLs of any links contained in the parent URL for followup. For example, so get the main page of the Stele, use the message:


Networking with Other Members

If you want to know email addresses of other members who have agreed to network with those in the same area or with similar interests, send a request to Omphalos ( In the future I plan to send out periodic lists comprising clusters of members in an area or with common interests.

Let Others Know

The more Graeco-Roman Neopagans who are connected through the Omphalos, the better it will work for us all. So feel free to forward the original Omphalos announcement to lists or bulletin-boards where it will be seen by Graeco-Roman Neopagans. When in doubt ask me, or send me the information so that I can post an announcement.


The Omphalos is always changing, so your comments are valuable. Please send your suggestions and help The Omphalos to become a valuable resource for us all!

John Opsopaus AKA Apollonius
Omphalos organizer

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Last updated: Fri Jun 28 18:08:29 EDT 2002