I | Initial Unity |
II | Separation, Goal |
III | First Completion (First Perfection) |
IIII | Consolidation, Order |
V | Crisis |
VI | Reconciliation (Second Perfection) |
VII | Hidden Unity |
VIII | Reciprocation |
VIIII | Higher Completion (Third Perfection) |
X | Higher Consolidation (Final Unity) |
1 | Alpha | A |
Archê {A)RXH/} | Beginning, First Cause, Principle, Origin. | |
Haploon {A(PLO/ON} | Singleton, Simplex, Unitary, Onefold, Noncompound. | |
2 | Beta | B |
Boulê {BOULH/} | Plan, Design, Determination. | |
Boulêsis {BOU/LHSIS} | Purpose, Intention, One's Will. | |
3 | Gamma |
Gignomai {GI/GNOMAI} | to Become, to Come to Pass. | |
Genesis {GE/NESIS} | Production, Generation, Creation, Manner of Birth. | |
Gamos {GA/MOS} | Wedding. | |
4 | Delta |
Dikê {*DI/KH} | Right, Judgement, Justice. | |
Diathesis {DIA/QESIS} | Arrangement, Disposition, Mind. | |
Dis {*DI/S} | Zeus (Deus), Jove (Diouis). | |
Dunastês {DUNA/STHS} | Ruler, Master. | |
5 | Epsilon | E |
Ek, Ex {E)K, E)C} | Out Of, Forth From, Changed From. | |
Exô {E)/CW} | Outside, Beyond, Outwards. | |
Existêmi {E)CI/STHMI} | to Put Out of its Place, Change or Alter Utterly, to Derange; to be Beside Onself, Lose One's Senses. | |
Hermês {*E(/RMHS} | Hermes, Mercury. | |
Eris {*E)/RIS} | Strife, Discord. | |
Eros {*E)/RWS} | Love, Desire. | |
6 | Wau (Digamma) | F |
Wisos {VI/SOS} | Equal, Same, Equally Divided, Fair, Impartial. | |
Wruomai {VRU/OMAI} | to Cure, Heal, Redeem, Deliver, Save. | |
Wmegathumos {VMEGA/QUMOS} | High-minded, Generous. | |
7 | Zeta | Z |
Zêteô {ZHTE/W} | to Seek, Inquire, Search, Desire, Require, Demand. | |
Zeô {ZE/W} | to Boil, Seeth, Bubble Up. | |
Zaô {ZA/W} | to Live, Be Alive. | |
8 | Eta | H |
Êôs {*H)W/S} | Daybreak, Dawn, Aurora (Goddess of Dawn). | |
Hêbê {*H(/BH} | Youth, Daughter of Zeus. | |
Hênis {H(/NIS} | Yearling. | |
9 | Theta |
Thuraios {QURAI=OS} | At the Door, Just Outside the Door. | |
Thurôn {QURW/N} | Antechamber, Place Outside the Door. | |
Thura {QU/RA} | Door, Gate; as in epi thurais tên hudrian - "(to break) the pitcher at the very door" {E)PI\ QU/RAIS TH\N U(DRI/AN} | |
Thrasos {QRA/SOS} | Courage, Boldness, Confidence, Audacity, Rashness, Impudence. | |
10 | Iota | I |
Ichôr {I)XW/R} | Blood of the Gods. | |
Hidruô {I(DRU/W} | to Establish, Found, Dedicate. | |
Hieros {I(ERO/S} | Holy, Mighty, Super-human, Sacrificial. |
Trump | Keyword | Rank
in Hendecad |
0. Fool | Mania | i |
I. Magician | Impulse | ij |
II. Empress | Nurture | iij |
III. Emperor | Control | iiij |
IV. High Priestess | Striving | v |
V. High Priest | Authority | vi |
VI. Love | Union | vij |
VII. Temperance | Birth | viij |
VIII. Fortitude | Fortitude | viiij |
IX. Victory | Victory | x |
X. Wheel | Fortune | xi |
XI. Old Man | Age | i |
XII. Hanged Man | Sacrifice | ij |
XIII. Death | Death | iij |
XIV. Devil | Temptation | iiij |
XV. Tower | Crisis | v |
XVI. Star | Hope | vi |
XVII. Moon | Instinct | vij |
XVIII. Sun | Illumination | viij |
XIX. Angel | Judgement | viiij |
XX. Justice | Balance | x |
XXI. World | Unity | xi |
Quadriliterum | I | O | V | E |
Tetractys | I | II | III | IIII |
Basic Meaning | Impulse | Object | Union | Effect |
Elements | Ignition | Ocean | Vapor | Earth |
Gods | Jove | Ops | Venus | Eros |
Complementary Gods | Juno | Ocean | Vulcan | Eris. |
Functions | Iactus (Projection) | Objectus (Object) | Vector (Carrier) | Eventum (Result) |
Relations | I | Other | Volition | Effect |
Faculties of Consciousness | Intuition | Openness (Feeling) | Understanding | Energy (Sensation) |
Dialectic | Idea | Opposite | Unification | Entirety |
Process | Impetus | Objective | Venture | End |
Gestation | Insemination | Ovum | Uterus | Emergence |
Growth | Integral (Elder) | Organic (Parent) | Virgin (Youth) | Egotistic (Child) |
Qualities | Just (Father) | Overflowing (Mother) | Virile (Youth) | Enthusiastic (Child) |
Ranks | King | Queen | Knight | Page |
Suits | Wands | Cups | Swords | Pentacles |
King of Wands | Imparting Inspiration |
King of Cups | Imparting Openness |
King of Swords | Imparting Understanding |
King of Pentacles | Impetus to Effect |
Queen of Wands | Overflowing Intuition |
Queen of Cups | Overflowing Openness |
Queen of Swords | Overflowing Understanding |
Queen of Pentacles | Organic Energy |
Knight of Wands | Vitality of Impulse |
Knight of Cups | Vitality of Openness |
Knight of Swords | Vitality of Understanding |
Knight of Pentacles | Vitality of Effort |
Page of Wands | Emerging Inspiration |
Page of Cups | Emerging Openness |
Page of Swords | Emerging Understanding |
Page of Pentacles | Energy of the Earth |
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Last updated:
Tue Jan 20 18:21:01 EST 1998