HP/s (HPs or HP)[44] guides participants in a preliminary grounding.
We cast this sacred circle widdershinsParticipants enter at North and gather around Altar. HP/s faces East, says one or more of these:
to open up a space between the worlds,
a way between the lands of Life and Death.
This season we descend into the depths.
Begone, all that is unholy!HP/s lights the Brand on the Altar fire and thrusts it into the lustral water.
Hékas, hékas, éste
bébêloi! (Greek)
Procul, o procul, este profani! (Latin)
HP/s uses Brand as aspergill to sprinkle lustral water over Altar etc.
Participants dip hands in lustral water and dry on white cloth.
Silence!HP/s says:
Four rivers flow toward the Underworld,The quarters are called by the HPs and/or HP, or by other chosen assistants, the Libation Bearers (Khoêphoroi).[51] It is best if North and West are called by a female, and South and East by a male.[52] The quarters are called by pouring a Libation (Spondê) while praying.
and mix within in the Crater, Monster's Lake,[45]
beside the all-sustaining Tree of Life,[46]
before descending into Tartaros.[47]We start our invocations in the West,
the awesome Portal to the Underworld,[48]
and finish in the dark and frigid North,
the Lunar Portal of Mortality,[49]
where rules the most pure Queen, Persephone.[50]
West Khoêphoros pours a Milk libation, saying:[53]
I stand beside the hateful River Styx,[54]South Khoêphoros pours a Wine libation, saying:
the chilling, black, corrosive stream of oaths.[55]
I beg Thee, Artemis, attend our rites!
Be welcome, Mistress of the Animals!
Accept this Milk, that's from an earth-born beast.[56]
I stand beside the Pyriphlegethon,East Khoêphoros pours a Honey libation saying:
infernal river blazing like a fire.[57]
I beg Thee, Dionysos, come to us![58]
Be welcome, Worthy Bull and Lord of Grapes!
Accept this Wine, imbued with liquid fire.
I stand beside the misty Acheron,North Khoêphoros pours a Water libation, saying:
slow-moving, grieving, bitter stream of woe.[59]
I beg Apollo to attend our rites!
Be welcome, Master of the Blazing Sun!
Accept this honey, made by airborn beasts.[60]
I stand beside Cocytus, sickly stream,[61]HP/s pours libation at Altar, saying:
the flood of lamentations and of grief.[62]
I beg Thee, Ariadne, come to us![63]
Be welcome, Lady of the Labyrinth!
Accept this Water,[64] flowing like Thy tears.[65]
Our offerings are born to Tartaros,HPs burns a little meat and bread in the Altar Fire, saying:
to mix and disappear in the Abyss.[66]
I call Poseidon and Athena too,
the bearers of the Trident and the Spear,
who guard our reverent community,[67]
and any other Gods who wish to come.
Be kind! Hílate![68] etc.
Come forward to the Altar to be blessed.HPs, when they are in front of Altar, lifts Holy Water and says:
I bless you with this Water from Poseidon's realm,HPs marks invoking pentagram (from top to lower left) on T's and each P's forehead with Holy Water, while saying:
to give you Lady Amphitritê's gifts,
to crown you with Her radient, shining wreath,
and wrap you round with Her protective cloak.[70]
Be welcome in this Temple of the Gods,
and may the Gods preserve you. Blessed be!
I place on you Great Aphrodite's mark,HPs gives a small portion of meat and bread to each P.[72]
the sacred sign She traces in the stars.[71]
HPs, when the food has been served, may retire from sight to assume role of Ariadne.
HP moves to the East Gate, to the east of Altar and P; they face him. While P eat food, he says:
In times long past our people did a deedT stands by HP and says:
against the son[73] of that great king who rules
the kingdom in the center of the Earth[74] -
King Minos he is called - and since that time
we send him dreadful tribute each Great Year,[75]
the flower of our youth, to feed the Beast,
the Monster dwelling in the Labyrinth.
Now you've been chosen to confront the Beast,
to pass the trial that Minos has decreed.
As it is stated in an ancient song:
"Beware the dreadful Minotaur
that dwells within the Maze.
The Monster feeds on human gore
and bones of those he slays;
then softly through the Labyrinth creep,
and rouse him not to strife.
Take one short peep, prepare to leap,
and run to save your life!"[76]
Too long the Minotaur has lain concealedT, if any of the P are cross-dressed,[78] says:
within his hidden lair beneath the Earth,
devouring all the best of our young souls.
We'll prove our worth by conquering the Beast,
and lift this plague from our community.
"This is our labor and this is our task."[77]
A few of you will go to Crete disguised,A proceeds to West of Altar (behind the P), but faces away from them. She brings the Gifts (Sword, Clew, Crown) with her. She silently takes on Ariadne's persona during the following invocation.
and dressed in clothing of the other sex,
so you may give your comrades better help,
for all identities will be confused
when we descend into the Labyrinth.[79]
HP invokes Ariadne:
To Princess Ariadne you must go,T steps to Altar and places on it an offering to Apollo (especially an olive branch with wool tied around it, also cakes),[85] while praying:
for she's the Lady of the Labyrinth,
the bride of Dionysos, Worthy Bull.[80]
She holds the Labrys, holy Double Axe,
the sign of sacrifice and life reborn.[81]
Her father is King Minos, son of Zeus,[82]
who as a fair and gentle Bull approached
his mother, called Europa, broad in face,
just like the shining Moon when full,
herself the daughter of Argíopê,
who has a face that's white and shines afar,
and father Phoenix, fiery red in face.
Europa is a child of Moon and Sun.[83]
Now hear of Ariadne's mother, called
Pasíphaê, Illuminating All.[84]
She sprang from Perseis, Mistress of the Moon,
and all-observant Helios, the Sun.
You must seek Ariadne, ask for help.
Her brother is the Minotaur,
who is a hybrid Beast, part man part bull,
because the passion of Pasíphaê
was for a Sacred Beast: Poseidon's Bull.
It's Ariadne's duty to take care
of this strange Beast, the kingdom's hidden shame,
who lies inside the loathsome Labyrinth.
May holy Ariadne aid your quest!
Great Lord Apollo, You who Shoots Afar,T pours a libation while saying:
Connecting the Beginning and the End,
Averting Evil, You who Stirs the Folk,
Bright Savior, Archer, Laurel-bearing One,
Creating Harmony within the World,
whose Lyre is the Radiant Light of Day,[86]
I ask that You will listen to our prayer,
and grant to us the gift that we request:
to lead us through the gloomy Labyrinth,
assist us in our task, to slay the Beast,
and lead us back toward the light of day.
You are a healer, and we ask Your aid
in conquering this Beast, who takes our youth,
because the Monster is a plague to us.
Please help us to fulfill our destinies,
and grant to us success in this, our quest.
Apollo, Lord of Light, be kind to us!HP gives T the Honey Offering, and says:
Hílathi![87] etc.
Be sure to take this Honey as a giftHP puts his hand on T and says to P:
to give the Lady of the Labyrinth.
Behold your leader; you must follow him,T addresses P:
the fearless stallion son of Lord Poseidon.[88]
Apollo has commanded that I putA makes gesture of epiphany (hands raised in psi figure).[93]
my trust in Aphrodite, follow Her,[89]
and seek assistance from Her devotee,
the maid most pure,[90] who tends the Minotaur.
To Princess Ariadne we will go,
and seek her aid in slaughtering the Beast,
for she's the Lady of the Labyrinth.
I know she's wise and skilled in many things.[91]
I pray to Aphrodite that She turn
the heart of Ariadne to our cause.[92]
HP, while T speaks, retires (probably to the Western Gate) and, out of everyone's sight, removes his priestly robe, dons the Minotaur mask, and wraps himself in the Starry Robe so the mask cannot be seen. Then he goes unobtrusively to the Tree and crouches down behind it, completely covered by the cloak, as though sleeping. During the following speeches by A, he takes on the persona of the Worthy Bull (the Minotaur and then Dionysos).
A, still in epiphany pose, turns to face T & P and says:
Who dares approach the dreadful Labyrinth?T holds clenched left fist to forehead and places Honey Offering on Altar.[97] P may hold hands up in front of their faces.[98]
T crosses arms on chest[99] and says:
We humbly bring this Honey Gift to you,A places hands on hips[100] and says:
an offering for the Lady of the Labyrinth.
We come to kill the Beast who dwells inside.
Are you naive or stupid? Don't you knowT says:
the Minotaur devours all who reach his lair?
You're young, and so you're brave, but also rash,
nor do you know the danger that you face.[101]
Far braver ones than you have been destroyed.
Whatever makes you think you might succeed?
You are the Lady of the Labyrinth,A says:
and you are wise and skilled in many things.[102]
You know the evil nature of this Beast;
you must desire his death as much as we.
If we succeed in conquering the Beast,
we'll take you with us from this Land of Death.[103]
I'm glad to see you're brave but clever too.T says:
It's possible that you might be the one
to cleanse this kingdom of its hidden shame;
we have too long indulged his appetites.
But you must tread a path you cannot know,
and fight a fight like none you've ever seen,[104]
or you'll be murdered by the monstrous Minotaur.
Attend me well and learn what you must know!
The Minotaur is hidden in the depths.
He has the body of a normal man,
both strong and beautiful to look upon,
but - horrible to say! - this mongrel beast
upon its shoulders has a bull's horned head,
a human body governed by a bestial brain!
Far better were he like the Centaur folk,
whose human head and heart are set upon
a stallion's strength and pure virility.
Great Ariadne, we are not afraid!A says:
To pass this trial two tasks must be done well.T says:
The first: you must cut off his bestial head;[105]
the second is to find your way back out.[106]
The monster guards a treasure of great worth:
the holy Tree of Life within the depths.
If you can touch the Tree, you'll win its gift.
But be forewarned: the Minotaur will fight,
and if you're caught, you'll be forever lost!
Are you prepared to undertake this task?
Great Ariadne, we are not afraid!A says:
One secret I'll reveal to aid your quest:A takes Sword and presents it to T while saying:[108]
The Minotaur is named the Shining One,
Astérios,[107] and by this hidden name
the Beast may be subdued by mortal strength.
I gladly give you this enchanted Sword,T dons Sword.
a worthy weapon to defeat the Beast.
A takes Ball of Yarn (Ariadne's Thread),[109] presents it to T and says:
But it will be in vain if you are lost.T takes Clew in left hand.
And so, to help you find the light again,
I give you this: a Ball of Golden Thread;
it is your lifeline to the world outside.
First tie it to the threshold of the maze;[110]
unwind it while you wander through its turns;
rewind the cord to find your way back out.
A shows Crown to T., saying:
Another gift I have to guide your way,A hangs Crown around T's neck (unless A is accompanying him, in which case she keeps it).
this shining Crown, a token of the love
of Dionysos, which He gave to me.[111]
It brings to you the holy Light of Zeus.[112]
T turns to P and asks:
My noble comrades, who have come with me,T pauses, in the (unlikely) event that any P want to back out. Then says to remainder:
are you prepared to help me in this task?
Remember that the one who walks in front
must guard his friends; the one who knows the way
must ward off woeful danger from his friends.[113]
But we must tread a path we cannot know,
and fight a fight like none we've ever seen,[114]
or we'll be murdered by the monstrous Minotaur.
Although we fall, our names will live in fame.[115]
Your helping must be of your own free will.
So if you're not committed to this task,
I bid you to step back, accept your fate.
I wish you well whatever may transpire.
Come forward, touch my heart. Do not fear death.P form a line behind T, alternating female and male so far as possible, each grasping the Thread in their left hands.
We'll shout together, sound like rumbling drums.
Our thundering will pierce the Monster's heart.[116]
Fear nothing! Be light-hearted in the fight.[117]
My brave companions, form a line behind -
a woman then a man by turns is best[118] -
and grasp the vital Cord in your left hand.[119]
T leads P toward the entrance, stands before it, and says:[120]
Athena, hear me, Aegis-bearing Maid,T ties loose end of Thread to Post.
I lift my hands in prayer and walk the path,
and for our souls request that all go well.
Return us safely to the realm of light,
and place your strong protection over us.
A, while T is tying the cord, bends her right arm to her chest and extends her left,[121] and says:[122]
Oh Theseus, may your Goddess bring success,A, if she is leading T, goes to Labyrinth entrance, otherwise she stays where she is (keeping her right arm to her chest).
and let you see the things that you have said,
and open up the path before your feet,
and guide your steps down winding ways,
and show the Labyrinth's inmost heart to you.
And may your Goddess bring what you desire,
as children's wishes are with ease fulfilled,
and may She stand in triumph by your side.
T draws Sword, enters Labyrinth and says:
We start our journey, for this is our fate.A, as T enters Labyrinth, says:
Be fearless, comrades, keep your eyes on me.
We go into the dark where dwells the Beast.
As it was truly said in ancient times,
"The prudent man, with strength that never wanes,
goes on and guards his comrades and himself.
Although they fall, their names will live in fame."[123]
The sturdy rope is woven from three strands,[124]
for each assists the others in their tasks.
So may we also lend each other strength!
With your companions go to meet your fate,
and may your patron Goddess go with you,
and may She stand by you in victory.[125]
A says the following as T&P follow the Labyrinth:
Turn Northward to the cold part of the Earth.[128]A may repeat the above verses ad lib. until T reaches the center.
You'll work your way toward the setting sun,[129]
and then return toward the shining dawn.
But never let the Lifeline leave your hands,[130]
for you cannot escape the hidden depths,
unless you retrace every step again.[131]
The way is hard, but not impossible.[132]
If you succeed, you will achieve rebirth,
returning to the womb of Mother Earth,[133]
for every sacred year the hero seeks
regeneration in the darkest depths.[134]
My father is a just and prudent king,
who passes judgement in the underworld,
demanding tribute from the noblest youth:
that they confront the Monster in the Maze.
This trial takes place just once in each Great Year,
when Minos gets advice from Father Zeus.[135]
The Minotaur devours all who can't
confront the imperfections in themselves.[136]
If you escape the Hall of Daidalos,
then you will learn the secret of yourself.[137]
The Labyrinth's path is never ending like
the everlasting force of Nature's Life.[138]
You're entering the entrails of the Earth,[139]
and must traverse its seven twisting coils.[140]
Like death itself, it's easy to go in
the Labyrinth, but hard to get back out.
"In this the task, the mighty labor lies."[141]
You're walled off from the living world as are
the dead, who've gone down to the Underworld.[142]
The twisting tunnels of the Labyrinth
are like the seven coils of River Styx,[143]
with many turns, but only one true path.[144]
Don't cross the Rivers of the Underworld,
which flow in four directions from the core.
Approach each river; take its hidden gift,
then turn away and start your trek again.[145]
The Beast is hidden inside seven walls,
a temple, house and prison for the Beast,[146]
and you must pass the seven layers of
protection, as Odysseus and his men
once crossed by art the magic walls of Troy.[147]
Just as the Greeks were dragged once through those walls,
amidst the dancing that unwound the charm,
so you are drawn now through the Labyrinth,[148]
to strike the heart of darkness at its core.
Proceed against the Sun and seek your source;
unwind the magic walls that hide the Beast.[149]
Yet deeper, ever deeper you must go,
descending into matter's glowing heart,
and going down through planetary spheres.[150]
At each you loose a power of your soul;
you give them up so you may be reborn.[151]
The Labyrinth connects the outer world
to inner realms, where dwell the roots of life,
but by an indirect and winding path;
thus so each pair of opposites is joined.
You cannot get directly to the core,
for you must travel by the longest way,
if you would reach the center of the maze.[152]
Keep winding, ever winding, like a snake,
for you're the Bearer of the Serpent,[153] of the Rope,
that calls the Goddess to keep harm away.[154]
You must reverse direction seven times,
for you must visit every place inside,
but never tread a path a second time.[155]
Just when you think your journey's at an end,
it turns around and only starts again,[156]
and many times you come near to the goal,
but then are led away from it again.[157]
But never let the Lifeline leave your grip,
for if you do not perish in the depths,
the Line will lead you back into the light.
My father is the king who rules this realm,
and passes judgements fairly from his throne,
and he, within these dismal winding walls,
demands a confrontation with the Beast.
The Monster is a terror, seven-fold.[158]
The Beast protects himself with seven shields,[159]
but now he has just one, the Starry Robe;
the other six will not protect him now.[160]
The Monster is the Bull Prince of the Sun,
and I am called the Princess of the Moon.
He is, like me, a grandchild of the Sun.
The Light of Life is glowing in the dark.[161]
Behold the fierce Celestial Bull inside,
who's shining in the center like the Sun![162]
His term is ended; now he must give way.
So wind around the center, turn your turns,
release our kingdom from his fiery grip,
and bring the Year around to its next part.[163]
This season is the Season of the Moon!
This Sacred Monster,[164] terrible to see,[165]
is full of life, but neither man nor beast,
a noble monster born in hidden depths,
my brother, whom I nurtured like a son.
As he's within, so I'm outside the Maze,
a Lunar princess and a Solar Prince,
the children of the Bull King and his Queen.[166]
Although he is my brother, he must die![167]
The Monster's duty is to guard the Tree,
to frighten and drive off whoever would
profane it, for a Goddess loves the Tree.[168]
Beware, for like a wild and raging bull
the Monster guards the sacred Tree of Life.[169]
When you have penetrated deep within
the womb of Earth and reached the source of Life,
subdue the Beast and hold him in your grip,
for you must master him while still alive.
Step forward, then, and touch the Tree of Life,
and show the Beast that you are not afraid.[170]
Then you will be the Master of the Beast.
And when you have subdued him, grab his hair,
and sacrifice the Monster to Poseidon.[171]
Attend me: don't trust in your strength alone,
make sure your eyes are always open wide;
don't hesitate, but strike with confidence.
Be wary, for the one who walks in front
must guard his friends; the one who knows the way
must ward off woeful danger from his friends.[172]
If you can do this deed and slay the Beast,
you'll prove your worth, and all will call you king.
Your comrades too will prove their noble stuff.[173]
The Minotaur is waking in the gloomy maze,
and terror rises in the comrades' hearts.
His mouth is fire, and his breath is death;
his roar releases aweful raging floods.[174]
A says:
Now look upon the sacred Tree of Life,M begins to growl beneath Robe as they approach, and says:
extending from the Earth to Heaven's height.
Observe its towering crown where dwell the Gods.[176]
What footsteps do I hear? Who dares approach?[177]M, as T approaches, begins to rise up under Robe (but still concealed) and says:
Who dares to look upon my frightening face?T replies:
We've heard the Beast is horrible to see.[178]M roars and throws off Robe. May threaten T with Thunder Stone (if used).[179]
T & M engage in short mock battle.
T stands to M's right (i.e. on the left side as viewed by P)[180] and holds Sword to M's throat, saying:
Be quick! Come right up to the Beast;P come forward one at a time and slap the Tree.[182]
approach the Beast, but don't get caught!
Come, touch the Tree and do not be afraid.[181]
M, while P are slapping tree, tries to grab them (and may strike them, as appropriate[183]), and says the following ad lib.:
This Hero can't control me with his Sword.T, when all have touched the Tree, says:
If you come near, you can't escape my grasp,
and if you want to touch the Tree of Life,
you must confront the Monster's hideous face!
Just look inside yourself and you'll find me!
Whereever there is Light, the Shadow may
be found, and in its Blackness you'll find me![184]
You hide your secrets in the darkest depths,
and then suppose that they have gone away.[185]
Although you try to hide me in the dark,
I yet will make my ugly presence known.[186]
Though you imagine that I wear a mask,
it's you that lies concealed behind a veil.
You hide the Beast beneath a human face,
but I appear to you just as I am!
Now which of us is true, and which is false?
If you destroy me, you destroy yourself,
for I'm the raging Force of Life in you![187]
Don't touch the Tree! You haven't got the strength!
You'll never find the way back to the Light,
unless you dare to look me in the face![188]
Now you, my friends, have faced the Minotaur.M says:
You've seen the Beast that dwells within the dark,
and touched the Tree wherein the Goddess lives.
Remember this when we return to home.
Now all is done, except to kill the Beast.
Brave hero, let me go and spare my life,A says:
for you will be my master evermore,
and I will be a servant unto you.[189]
I can't be overcome by strength alone.
If you destroy me, you will cripple and
destroy the vital force inside yourself.[190]
To conquer me you must accept me as
your brother, see me as your second self.
So long as I am hidden in the depths,
you will be forced to feed my appetites.[191]
Do not believe the Monster's pleas, for ifT steps in front of M so P cannot see exactly what he does.[195]
a bird is caught and sent back to its nest,
or if a man is caught and sent back home,
then you will never see your world again.[192]
The Beast must be dismembered to achieve rebirth.[193]
Now strike three times to slay the Minotaur![194]
M slumps down beside Tree.
T stands above M and may place his foot on M's head.[196]
A wails:
Alas! Alas! The dreadful deed is done!
My brother, whom I cared for, is destroyed!
It was the Monster's destiny to die,
a holy sacrifice before the God,
Poseidon, substituting for the Bull,
his father, which was brought forth in the sea.
I'm filled with grief, but also filled with joy,[197]
because this hero has destroyed the Beast,
who brought a pestilence upon our land.
By slaughtering the Monster you have freed
at last the Lady of the Labyrinth.[198]
Now hear! brave slayer of the Minotaur!
You must decide to turn back to the light,
and turn on your own center to get out.[199]
You've reached the Source of Never-ending Life,
and taken hold of it; now bring it back![200]
The Seed that's shared by every form of life,
the power of the Worthy Bull, is yours.[201]
Before this potent force can live in you,
you must unite it with a personal soul,[202]
because the spirit of the man must be
united with the woman's soul as one.[203]
But learn this Mystery: souls come from the Moon,[204]
and I'm a priestess of the dark-faced Moon.
In Greek the same word, Psyche, means both Soul
and Butterfly, and by this Double Axe,
the sacred emblem of the Butterfly,[205]
I will conjoin the Spirit and the Soul.
Drums beat a quicker (triple) rhythm for their exit.
A says:
By winding your way out, you reinforce
the boundaries of the awesome Underworld.[206]
Return! Return! Reseal the sacred seals,
the veils that hide the holy Tree of Life.[207]
As you rewind the Ball of Golden Thread,
you reconstruct your soul and concentrate
the Light of Life toward the central core,
compacted like the Stone of Alchemy,
for from this seed you will be born again.[208]
Return to me, brave hero, find your way,
ascending through the planetary spheres.[209]
Your journey starts with matter from the Earth.
The urge to passion comes from Venus' sphere.
And Mercury gives ability to speak.
The Moon will give the vital force of growth.
The light of sense and fancy's from the Sun.
And Saturn's gift: an understanding mind.
The power to act is brought by Jupiter.
A bold, courageous spirit comes from Mars.
The Starry Realm embraces All in One.[210]
When you return, the Spirit and the Soul
will be united closely into One.
M, during following dialogue, slips away to West to take off M mask in preparation for his role as D.
A says:
This Cord sustained you in your wanderingsA reaches out and cuts the Thread held by T.
to come again into the world of light.[211]
But now the Cord's support is not required;
its job is done; it only ties you down.
Behold I cut the Cord, and you are free!
T hands Crown and Clew back to Ariadne, saying:
We thank you, Ariadne, for your aid,A says:[212]
and give you back this Crown which showed the way.
Brave hero, Theseus, you have won my love,T says:[214]
and now I want to drink your essence in.
I wish you were my husband, I your wife,[213]
for then I'd make for you a chariot
of ivory and gold, with golden wheels;
from precious amber I would make its horns.
It would be drawn by no mere horses but
by powerful griffins, marvelous to see.
Come in my house, enjoy its fragrant air.
The lords and ladies of this Middle Earth
will come to thee, and bow down at thy feet.
You'll have the fruits of mountains and of plains.
Your goats will bear threefold, your ewes in twos;
in races all your horses will win fame.
What would I give to such a wife as thee?A says:
Would I give balsam to anoint thyself?
Would I give robes in which to dress thyself?
Would I dare give my meat and bread to thee,
who eats the sweet ambrosia of the Gods,
and drinks Their nectar from Their golden cups?
For you we pour libations, honey gifts.
You wear the Sacred Gown and hold the Axe.
We are too far apart for wedded life.
You have a gift of greatest worth that IT hands Robe to her and says:
would gladly take in token of your love:
the Starry Robe, recovered from the Beast.
I will accept it, if you will consent.[215]
Great Ariadne, I will gladly giveA takes Robe and holds Crown, saying:
the Starry Robe to you, to show my love.
And I will give to thee this shining Crown,A places Crown on T's head. He makes a motion to refuse it, but then accepts it.
a gift of Dionysos for my love.
I place this sacred Crown upon thy head
in recognition of thy victory,
a gift in token of my love for thee.
T & A lead P to north part of forecourt of the Labyrinth.
A, if doubling as Athena, slips away to put on Athena's attributes
T explains:
And so we swiftly sail away from Crete,
and beach our ship upon this holy isle,
a bit of rock[216] that's sacred to the Moon,[217]
a place of refuge and a little rest.
So please be seated and relax a while.T covers himself and A with Robe.
The two of us will sleep beneath the Robe.
Athena approaches T and says:
But while the couple were entwined in sleep,T awakes and says:
Athena came to Theseus and said:
Awake, my hero, hearken to my call.
Arise and come with me, abandon her,[218]
for you are destined to pursue the Light,[219]
and cannot wed this Mistress of the Moon,
who has a different fate, most marvelous.
Most awesome Goddess, I cannot say no,Athena says:
although it breaks my heart to leave her here.[220]
Mourn not her fate, for she's been chosen byAthena, if she is being doubled by A, steps out of sight to remove Athena's attributes. Returns surrepticiously to be sleeping Ariadne.
a groom whose virtue cannot be surpassed.
T rises, leaving the Crown by the Robe, and addresses P:
My comrades, hear me, we cannot stay here,
but must sail East to Delos right away.
Then Dionysos with His bull foot came,A makes a small groan.
approaching from the sea, and cried in wrath:[222]
I call You, Artemis, to witness here
the hateful crime this woman's done to me:
this Crown I gave in token of my love,
but she has passed it to a mortal man,
and takes him as her husband over me!
Far-shooting Artemis, You govern birth,
and may bring death or quick delivery.
Now let her see her action's consequence,
and shoot her with Your arrow; bring her down.[223]
D kneels down beside A and says:
Dear Ariadne, whom I love, for youD grabs A by the wrist[224] and says:
a mortal husband is not good enough.
As you deserve, a God will be your groom.
So I'll forgive your crime and take your hand.
Awaken, Ariadne, hear my call!A wakes up, sees D, gasps, and draws back.
From death, as if from sleep, you will awake!
D says:
Fear not my face; no harm will come to thee.
Your hero, Theseus, had to go away,
obedient to Athena's spoken word.
But do not fear, for you shall be my bride.
Accept again this crown, which once was yours,D takes the Robe and helps A to her feet. They move off toward the South Gate.[228]
the gift you took when you gave in to me,[225]
and I shall take from you this Starry Robe.
Now take my hand; to Heaven we'll ascend.
You'll dwell on Mount Olympus with the Gods;[226]
your Crown will henceforth shine in Heaven's vault.[227]
T points to D & A and says:
The sacred couple, bride and groom, ascend
the holy mountain, stand upon its peak.[229]
The golden chariot of the God awaits.[230]
Now Dionysos takes Her by the wrist,[231]
and Ariadne climbs inside by Him.
Behold! Fierce griffins spread their gleaming wings,
soar upward, pull the chariot to the sky.
They disappear, forever joined as One,
eternal Spirit and eternal Soul.[232]
Now Ariadne has departed from our world,
this land of light, and sits upon the throne,
and rules the distant Kingdom of the Night.[233]
Thus Dionysos and Athena saved
me from too close alliance with the realm
of Ariadne, Mistress of the Moon.[234]
And yet there will be peace between our worlds,[235]
a reconciliation of two realms,
opposing principles of Life and Death,
because each needs the other to exist.
My friends, we sail to Delos, then to home.
On Delos we erect the wooden effigy
of Aphrodite, made in ancient times,
which Ariadne, pious priestess of
the Goddess, brought from Crete and gave to us.[236]
We'll dance the tightly winding Dance of Cranes[237]
in grateful thanks for our deliverance.[238]
We come now back to home and offer thanksT makes offering of Panspermia on Altar and gives each P a small amount.
to all the Gods who brought us safely home.
We've boiled together beans of every kind,
the only food that we have from our trip.
I offer this to the Immortal Gods,
a simple meal which we may share with Them.[239]
HP (as Herald) and HPs (as Mother) return while Panspermia is being served. HP carries Herald's Wand with garland wrapped around it.[240] They approach T.
HP says:
Rejoice! Hurray! The hero has returned!T says:
Accept this garland for your victory,
but hear the woeful story we must tell.
The king, your father, has destroyed himself.
In grief he's thrown himself in that same sea
in which your mother went, from which you're born.
One king has died; another has arrived.[241]
Alas! Alas! What woeful news is this!HP says:
I cannot wear this crown of victory,
but you must bear it on your Herald's Staff,
as we, with joy and sorrow both, return
to our own world, to start another year,
in which our people will be joined in peace,
and live their lives in blest prosperity.[242]
The past is gone; the future yet to be!
This season is the turning of the year,HPs takes the Gleukos (Young Wine) and says:
the final harvest and declining Sun,
the changing of the guard at Delphi's shrine.
For Lord Apollo leaves that sacred site,
and journeys north to Hyperborea,
to spend the winter months, a quarter year.
Within this season, Delphi's seat is heldHPs, after pouring libation, dispenses wine to T & P.
by Dionysos, called up from the depths,
as is His wine, fermented forty days.
This wine, born prematurely like the God,[243]
is mixed with water from the springs of Earth.[244]
The blood of Dionysos mingles with
His nurse's tears, because she cared for Him.
We pour libation to You, Worthy Bull,
and drink the wine to share in Your delight.
The Worthy Bull has died and is reborn!
Rejoice! Alas! Alas![245]
(or: Eleleû! Ioû! Ioû!)
HP may also serve Aitharê (Porridge).
Khoêphoroi move to their quarters.
HP/s says:
We thank Poseidon and Athena tooHP/s puts out altar fire.
for Their protection in this rite,
and all the Gods who have been at our rites.
We bid You, Hail and farewell!
HP/s says:
Your souls have circled round the central core,North Khoêphoros says:
like long-legged cranes that circle round a lake.[246]
Just like a monster breathing in and out,[247]
the waters of the Underworld flow in
the Crater, mixing in the Monster's Lake,
beside the Oracles of Moon and Night,[248]
until they turn and flow back out again.
Four rivers flow out from the Underworld,
flow from the Monster's Lake, the central core,
beside the all-sustaining Tree of Life.
The rivers flow in four directions out
toward the rim, where they are joined as one
within the Ocean that surrounds all things.[249]
Cocytus' waters flow out from the Source,East Khoêphoros says:
and they will bring us calm and cautious minds.[250]
We thank Thee, Ariadne, for Thine aid,
and bid Thee, Hail and farewell!
The stream of Acheron is flowing forth,South Khoêphoros says:
and brings us energy, good sense and warmth.[251]
We thank Thee, Lord Apollo, for Thine aid,
and bid Thee, Hail and farewell!
The stream of Pyriphlegethon flows forth,West Khoêphoros says:
and it will bring the flames of passion's fire.[252]
We thank Thee, Dionysos, for Thine aid,
and bid Thee, Hail and farewell!
The River Styx is flowing from the Source,
and it will bring us introspection's fruit.[253]
We thank Thee, Lady Artemis, for Thine aid,
and bid Thee, Hail and farewell!
Let each one take a Wand that's Wrapped in Wool,HP hands out Oskhoi and says:
and hung with symbols of Apollo and
Lord Dionysos; it will bring good luck,
abundance and an end of scarcity
to whom it's given in exchange for gifts,
when it is placed above a house's door.[255]
These Branches Bearing Grapes are for the pair,HP/s says:
Lord Dionysos, blessed Worthy Bull,
and Ariadne, Mistress of the Moon.[256]
Combine your voice with mine: Rejoice! Alas! Alas!If any of the P are cross-dressed, they should lead the procession; they carry the Oskhoi (Branches Bearing Grapes).[257]
(or: Eleleû! Ioû! Ioû!)
HPs & HP lead three deosil (clockwise) circumambulations beginning in the South.
HP/s says:
We circle like the Sun across the sky,HP/s, when circumambulations are complete, says:
rebinding charms that keep our worlds apart,
but ever tied together into one,
companion kingdoms of the Moon and Sun.
When we began this Rite we entered throughAll depart by the South gate and proceed to the feast hall.
the Northern Gate, the Portal of the Moon,
through which our souls did once descend to Earth,
pass through the spheres, and take on mortal form.[258]
But since your deed is done, we exit through
the Southern Gate, the Portal of the Sun,
through which our souls to Heaven may ascend,
to join the Gods in immortality.[259]
In joy we met tonight.
In joy we go our ways.
In joy we'll meet again!
T or someone else may play the lyre.[260]
The procession goes to the feast hall, where the P sing:[261]
The Woolen Wand conveys rich cakesP exchange them for gifts or treats. They are hung over the door for good luck in the new year.
and figs and honey in a jar,
and olive oil
to sanctify yourself, and cups
of mellow wine, which you may drink,
and fall asleep.
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