Example Divination By Ooscopic Haruspicy John Opsopaus Note: The art of haruspicy, an ancient Etruscan method of divination, is described in the file Har.txt, as well as in Harvest, Vol. 11 (1991), Nos. 4-6. Introduction I have prepared this example divination to help those that are learning the process of ooscopic haruspicy. It illustrates the kinds of signs that should be observed and presents an interpretation of the signs in the context of a specific question, in this case, whether a certain person should accept a possible promotion. The first sacrifice resulted in a vitium (broken yolk), but a more careful attention to procedure and a more sincere invocation led to the success of the second sacrifice, which produced very clear signs. Observations (These are normally announced by the Haruspex and recorded by the Assistant, if there is one, during the ritual.) Part I Album Exterius SELVANS is extended and TLUSCVA is restricted in size. There is a moderate bubble in VETIS. All the other regions are about balanced in size. Album Interius The Reg. Dirae are somewhat extended. Many pale features in both regions of TLUSCVA and in the region of LVSA & VELCHANS. The P. Postica is somewhat restricted, especially in the regions of TINS NETH. and THUFL. A medium-large bubble in TVATH in contact with a large bubble in TUL. The Sum. Fel. quadrant is somewhat extended. Vitellus The bubbles in the A. Int. also overlap the Vit. In particular the medium-large bubble connects TVATH to MEAN, and the large bubble connects TUL to ANE. Embruon The Emb. is quite small, especially in the regions of TVATH, MARIS & LARAN and LETHAM. Part II Overall, there is very little in the "sky" compared to what is onÒearth.Ó A question mark in the sky, which dissolves. A tiny "o" or capital omega in the sky. Large initials (of the questioner) in the sky. A small boot on the earth. An arm with a hand on the end, reaching from the sky down to the earth. A large, open smile on the earth. Interpretation (Interpretation normally takes place after the ritual is completed.) The initials in the sky indicate the person may "soar to the stars" provided he keeps his feet on the ground (the boot), and always "reaches back to the earth" from his exalted position. A large bubble connects the region of TUL, who governs boundaries, with that of ANE, who governs initiative, beginnings and endings. This is contiguous with the smaller bubble that connects TVATH with MEAN (success). The entire complex seems to mean that success will result from terminating old activities and through initiative in new ones. Also all this occurs in the quadrants of good fortune (Felicitas) and in the "friendly part." There are many indications that the promotion would be bad for family life: SELVANS is bad for children, and his region is enlarged. Also, there is a diminished region for the two TLUSCVA (the nurturing and inseminating), which doesn't bode well for either present or future children. This is also supported by the diminished regions for LETHAM, MARIS and LARAN, all protectors of the household. It is difficult to understand how this promotion could impact TVATH's domain (affection for the dead), but her correspondence with Demeter suggests a negative impact on the marriage and fruitfulness, which would be consistent with the other signs. In the A. Int. the extension of the R. D. (fearful regions) is balanced by the extension of S. F. (greatest good fortune), perhaps reflecting the ambivalence of the opportunity. An ominous indication is the moderate bubble in the region of VETIS. Although generally considered a god of death and destruction, he was not well understood even in ancient times; some saw him as Evil-Jove, others as Young-Jove. He may also have governed atonement and the making of amends, and may have been a protector of those who had committed some wrong. Perhaps the interpretation is that this person should ask VETIS's help in making amends to his family. In any case, it would be worthwhile to investigate the will of VETIS through further divination. Conclusions Overall the conclusion seems to be that the promotion could lead to great success, provided he doesn't let it "go to his head" and makes an effort to stay grounded in "earthly" things. Nevertheless, he can expect the promotion to have an adverse impact on his family and home. Further divination of the will of VETIS is indicated.